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威尼斯人博彩 does not sell or rent your personal information. 我们可能, 然而, 在有限的情况下分享你的个人信息, such as with service providers that support business activities. We require our service providers to keep your personal information secure. We do not allow our service providers to use or share personal information for any purpose other than providing services on our behalf.
我们可能 also share personal information when required by law, or when we believe sharing will help to protect the safety, 财产, 或者说是大学的权利, 大学社区的成员, 大学客人. 除非收件处另行通知, information provided to the university may be shared among offices within the university 和 with the University System of Maryl和 和 outside entities as necessary or appropriate in the conduct of legitimate university business 和 consistent with applicable law. 因为这所大学是一所州立教育机构, such information may also be subject to disclosure under the Maryl和 Access to Public Records Act (Public Records Act). Individuals may inspect 和/or correct their personal information as provided by the Public Records Act or applicable university policy. The university is also subject to the disclosure requirements of the 联邦家庭教育权利和隐私法案.
To enhance your experience, we may place “cookies” on your computer or device. cookie是存储您的偏好的文件. 当您访问umd格式.edu, the following cookies may be placed on your device, depending on your web browser settings. 我们的网站使用以下类型的cookies:
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  • 目的: Google Analytics cookies count visits 和 traffic sources in order to measure 和 improve the performance of our website. 请参阅有关谷歌分析的详细信息 cookies在网站上的使用隐私政策.
  • 可选的: You can opt out of Google’s add personalization from Google Ads 设置. 了解更多关于管理的知识 通过浏览器获取cookie .
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威尼斯人博彩 recognizes the importance of maintaining the security of the information it collects 和 maintains, 和 we endeavor to protect information from unauthorized access 和 damage. 威尼斯人博彩 strives to ensure reasonable security measures are in place, 包括物理, 行政, 和 technical safeguards to protect your personal information.
本隐私声明可能会不时更新. We will post the date our notice was last updated at the top of this privacy notice.
If you have any concerns or questions about how your personal data is used, 请与我们的私隐委员会联络 umd格式-privacy@umd格式.edu 
We strive to keep personal data in our records only as long as they are necessary for the purposes they were collected 和 processed. Retention periods vary 和 are established considering our legitimate purposes 和 all applicable legal requirements.


威尼斯人博彩, College Park is the state's flagship university 和 one of the nation's preeminent public 研究 universities. 研究领域的全球领导者, 创业创新, 这所大学有40多名学生,700名学生, 14,000名教职员工, 将近400人,000名校友都致力于追求无畏的想法. 位于华盛顿特区外.C., we discover 和 share new knowledge every day through our renowned 研究 enterprise 和 项目 in academics, 艺术和体育. And we are committed to social entrepreneurship as the nation’s first “做的好” campus.


介绍全国第一个 做的好 校园将理想主义转化为影响力 


横跨12所威尼斯人赌场官网, 马里兰州提供300多个学位授予项目, 他们中的许多人在全国名列前茅. 我们的教员中有两位是诺贝尔奖获得者, 三位普利策奖得主, 58 members of the national academies 和 scores of Fulbright scholars. 还有我们的学生, who include the highest achievers in the state 和 nation, enjoy experiences unique to our location just outside the nation’s capital, 包括实习, 研究, 以及领导和服务的机会.


威尼斯人博彩 is one of the world’s premier 研究 institutions. With our strategic location 和 scores of 合作伙伴hips with government 和 businesses, UMD conducts groundbreaking 研究 on some of the biggest challenges facing our global community, 包括网络安全和恐怖主义, 生物工程, 公共卫生公平, 食品安全和气候变化. We strive to discover new knowledge 和 put it to work through innovation 和 entrepreneurship, 推动经济发展,改变人民生活. 

新推出的 创新网关 将引导您找到资源, 项目, 合作伙伴, 和 spaces you need to activate 和 scale your fearless ideas into innovations that launch new ventures, 促进经济增长, 促进经济发展.


威尼斯人博彩, 艺术, the humanities 和 the sciences intersect to address important societal issues 和 shed new light on the human experience. Our vibrant campus arts community collaborates with local 和 national cultural organizations such as the Phillips 集合, 肯尼迪中心和福尔杰莎士比亚图书馆. 学生和教师艺术家, 设计师, 历史学家, 作家和表演者正在探索新媒体, 呈现新的视角, 研究新技术,吸引新受众.


海龟之家, the 威尼斯人博彩 has one of the nation’s most recognizable 和 successful athletics 项目. More than 550 student-athletes compete each year in 20 intercollegiate sports—12 for women 和 eight for men. 自2005年以来, 威尼斯人博彩赢得了19次全国冠军, 包括NCAA女子篮球冠军, 男子足球, 男子曲棍球, 女子曲棍球, 还有曲棍球. 自2014年加入十大联盟以来, UMD has won a combined 32 regular season 和 tournament championships. 害怕乌龟!


The Terp experience extends beyond classrooms, labs 和 studios. 它包括宿舍和食堂, 俱乐部和运动, 兄弟会和姐妹会, 校园活动及演出, 以及无数的校外目的地. 马里兰州有800多个学生组织, 数十个著名的生活和学习社区, 还有无数其他参与的方式. Students here can create a unique identity 和 grow as individuals, even as they’re part of a close-knit 和 diverse community. 



最新消息: 今天马里兰州

有关新闻稿,请浏览 UMD现在

Terps勇敢、聪明、好奇、骄傲. 我们做好事,在我们的社区和外面的世界. 我们无所畏惧. 我们一直在寻求扩大我们的队伍. 有兴趣成为威尼斯人博彩的学生? 从这里开始.



回馈社会是特朗普无畏的传统, 有很多方法不仅可以让它保持活力, 同时也能产生立竿见影的效果. 





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